Developing gross motor skills

Assessment & Treatment

Kids OT Calgary has 20 years of expertise in working with children with varying degrees of difficulty. Kids OT Calgary offers standardized assessments, treatment and consultation.

Kids OT Calgary offers standardized assessments.
The assessment process allows the therapist to determine the level at which your child is performing in several different areas of motor control and sensory processing.
Assessments vary depending on the client needs. I offer both fine motor skills/coordination assessments (including writing assessments) and/or sensory assessments.
Assessments are typically carried out in two 1-hour sessions split across different days. After the assessment is completed, the OT will prepare a detailed report for the parents explaining the results of the assessment. These reports often include strategies that can be implemented at home and at school. A reporting session will be scheduled with the parents so that the OT can go over the report with them and answer any questions they may have. Parents choose who they want to share the reports with, these reports often provide additional information that Doctors require regarding the child's sensory and/or coordination needs.
No referral is necessary.
Kids OT Calgary offers private one-on-one treatment sessions. Kids OT Calgary will develop appropriate home programming and family education in addition to direct treatment for your child.
(I prefer to offer one-on-one sessions since I believe the best way to help a child achieve their OT goals is for the child to complete therapy sessions with strategies that are created for them. As an Occupational Therapist I constantly modify and implement strategies that help each child.)
*However given these unprecedented times with the COVID-19 pandemic, I am offering telehealth/teletherapy/videoconferencing (in addition to in-person sessions) to Alberta residents.
Please contact Kids OT Calgary for specific costs.
Occupational Therapy services are available for parents paying privately. Parents paying privately for assessment or therapy services may be covered under work group insurance plans, benefit plans, or through health spending accounts. As of April 2019, Alberta Blue Cross has approved Kids OT Calgary as a "direct billing provider". Fees paid for Occupational Therapy services may also be used as a tax deduction under medical expenses by Revenue Canada.
A variety of funding sources are available for Occupational Therapy services. The government of Alberta provides funding through Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD). For more information please visit the Government of Alberta webpage at http://humanservices.alberta.ca/disability-services/14855.html
or contact your local FSCD office. Kids OT Calgary is approved by FSCD to provide services to clients receiving FSCD support.